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发布时间:2019-03-31 浏览量:4438

  在文化坚守与创新中,学校响亮提出了以“朝阳东升,生机勃发;乐于进取,志在创新”为文化核心的“阳光育人”办学思想。学校的发展愿景是: 以培育全面发展、健康成长、人格健全完整的人为价值取向,以尊重生命,尊重学生人格、个性、差异、发展权利为前提,不断追求“让学生快乐、尊严地成长,让教师有效、惬意地工作,让学校持续、和谐地发展”的办学目标,传统文化与艺术特色并重,致力于立德树人,学校自信而坚实地走在精品化特色发展路上。
  学校现有国培教师38名,省级骨干教师6 名,市级学科带头人2名,市级优秀教师15 名,市级骨干教师56名,县级学科带头人 25名,县级优秀教师92名,县级名师工作室2个,县级骨干教师35名。学校的“三人行”社团、“伙伴学会”等教师社团为教师终身发展搭建广阔的平台,已形成了梯队分层、特色彰显的整体培养模式。学校先后承办过三次“全国古诗文大赛”和“名师汇”作文教学大赛,吴明渠、唐玉兰、白茹、覃敏、黄丹、王梨等多名教师在国家级赛课中获奖。

A Brief Introduction about Dongsheng Primary School

  Dongsheng Primary School has been through 106 years of history since it was founded in 1908. Now it has a long-accumulated history and forges its own culture. The school is located in the core area of the modern county city near the Shuangliu International Airport. Back of it is the Shuangliu Square. It covers 30 Chinese acres. The school now has 206 staff members and 72 classes with 3375 students. The school is equipped with interactive multimedia computers in each classroom, a sound editing studio and 3 computer rooms. Art facilities and sports equipment have reached the provincial model school standards.

  The school has effective leaders with the spirit of innovation, an outstanding cooperative education team,energetic, knowledgeable and kind-hearted teachers .All of these make our students have a multi- dimensional and  healthy personal development in body and mind.
  It is very convenient here. There are many stores, restaurants nearby. The bus station is about a 5 minute walk away.The airport is about 10 minutes away by car. The school puts the student’s development at the heart of education.It creates a relaxed, democratic,harmonious environment for the children to learn, read, play and gain a sense of achievement.
  The school puts forward an idea of “Sun Education” which means “being energetic; being happy to progress; being brave to explore;being innovative”.  The school is also dedicated in making a plan for the teachers’ development according to their advantages. It aims at letting teachers be effective and comfortable in their work. Besides, the school emphasizes involving students in experiential, practical, participatory and cooperative learning. It makes every effort for students to be joyful at study.




